Temporary work. A breath of fresh air for your company. New employees with experience of working at other companies can lead a business to cast a critical eye over its own routines and processes and make necessary changes.
Recruitment agencies: swissstaffing.ch/Members
Tips from an Expert
How should leased staff act in a new company?
They should present themselves in their best light and display a positive and flexible mindset, observing how the company works both in terms of activities and hours. It is always fair to say that you only get one opportunity to make a good first impression.
What changes can leased staff bring to a company?
Sometimes they give fresh impetus to an existing team, providing a boost in periods of sustained work, and a different perspective can be useful, although we recommend that our colleagues begin by proposing the idea.
Does staff leasing contribute to instability as a result of constant changes to a team?
Leasing staff reinforce a team, providing support and assistance during periods with intense workloads. This addition stops an existing team from losing momentum and maintains good working conditions.

Hotelis, which is part of the INTERIMAN GROUP, is one of Switzerland's most active staff leasing and talent selection companies for secure and temporary posts in the hotel and restaurant industry. hotelis.ch