Temporary work. The foundations for a glittering career. Temporary assignments frequently lead to permanent positions – a key step toward getting ahead in your profession.
Recruitment agencies: swissstaffing.ch/Members
Tips from an Expert
I am a digital native. Can I find a temporary job on online platforms?
Absolutely. Temporary positions are increasingly being published on online platforms – Coople, for example, has around 270 new jobs every day. I personally only look for jobs online now. The benefit of this? The whole process is quick and easy. I have put my personal profile on Coople along with my CV and references, and either receive job adverts directly or take a look on the marketplace. I can apply for jobs with just a click. The employer then has access to the relevant documents and recruits their chosen Coopler with another click. And that's all it takes.
How can temporary work help my future career?
Temporary work is the perfect way to demonstrate what I can do. At the same time, I am also gaining professional experience. Employers can see how I work 'on the job', what my strengths are, and how well I develop my skills. In addition, each job provides me with interesting contacts – often potential future employers. Last but not least, temporary work offers me an excellent opportunity to try out new areas of work to see what I enjoy and what I do not.
What should I do if I want a longer-term position at a company?
To make myself a candidate for permanent employment or a longer-term position, I should of course do a good job and be reliable, punctual and friendly. After a while, I can reach out and express my interest in such a position – either to my line manager or directly to HR. Is there a need for new permanent staff? And if not, will there perhaps be demand in the near future? Questions like these can be asked informally during a break or even by email. It is always worth asking: the most important thing is that the employer is aware of my interest in a position, as that is the only way to really get the ball rolling.

Coople was founded in 2009 by Swiss entrepreneur Viktor Calabrò and runs the largest just-in-time staff leasing platform in the world. The company employs around 120 people across its Zurich and London offices and manages more than 400,000 registered workers in Switzerland and the UK. coople.com