Temporary work. What about the recruitment agency? Recruitment agencies do what all good employers do: they stand up for their staff. What’s more, they often go beyond the call of duty.
Recruitment agencies: swissstaffing.ch/Members
Tips from an Expert
What can recruiters do for jobseekers?
Experienced recruitment agencies have built up a large contact network and are usually the first to be informed when temporary and short-term personnel are needed. If needed, they can also provide advice on lawful applications, answer questions on safety and social contributions, and help you plan your continuing education. Opportunities and success, however, depend directly on your participation and open-mindedness. You should always be available and easy to contact.
#Tip 1: Provide the recruitment agency with regular, short updates on any changes to your needs and capabilities. Even after successful temporary recruitment.
#Tip 2: Increase your chances on the market by seeking out specialist continuing education and speaking good German. Do not hesitate to offer the recruitment agency suggestions.
Is the work of a recruitment agency complete after recruiting the workforce required?
Not at all. As a temporary employee, you are still hired by the recruitment agency even after you start work. A reputable recruitment agency will ask the employer whether they are happy with you after your training period and then inform you of the result. They will also ask for your interim report when doing so.
#Tip 1: Avoid surprises by raising questions or problems promptly with either the recruitment agency or your employer.
#Tip 2: The best thing you can do for your career path is to show unwavering commitment. Prove that they can rely on you.
How does the cooperation between recruitment agencies and jobseekers work best?
Good recruitment is always a matter of trust. Long-term cooperation is made possible when there is chemistry and credibility on both sides, and expectations and options are compared. When selecting a recruitment agency, always check for the swissstaffing logo and always go with your gut feeling. Choose a personal advisor who will "communicate, assist and advise you with their head, heart and hands!"
#Tip: Do your part to build a trusting relationship by actively and honestly relaying information about your areas of expertise and capabilities. Transparency creates trust.

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